

USD/JPY Breaks 150 Yen Barrier! U.S. GDP Preliminary Data and Global Economic Trends

The USD/JPY exchange rate has broken through the 150 yen mark, causing turbulence in the foreign exchange market. Severa...

Is the European Forex Market Showing Weakness? Explaining the Decline in Interest Rates

The foreign exchange market is a complex market heavily influenced by international economic trends and interest rate fl...

Iran Warns of Involvement! Currency Price Volatility in View of Middle East Geopolitical Risks

Middle East geopolitics, U.S. domestic politics, economic indicators, Eurozone policies, and recent trends in the curren...

■ Dollar-Yen Rises to 149.76 Yen! Views of the Ministry of Finance and IMF”

■ Overview of Exchange Rate Trends and Underlying Factors in the Foreign Exchange Market The foreign exchange market is ...

What is the biggest reason why the Bank of Japan (BoJ) is not implementing monetary easing? Insights from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The Bank of Japan (BoJ) not rushing to change its monetary policy despite the ongoing global inflation is becoming incre...

Buying the Dollar Amidst Crisis? Rising Geopolitical Risks in the Middle East Lead to Oil Price Increases

■ Geopolitical Risk in the Middle East and USD/JPY On October 9th, the foreign exchange market witnessed increased atten...


■ 中東の地政学リスクとドル円 10月9日、為替市場では中東の地政学リスクが注目されました。 イスラエルとハマスの戦闘が激化しており、これに伴う地政学的な不安定要因が市場に影響を与えています。 中東地域は原油供給の中心であるため、地政学的な...

Influence of Hamas Conflict on Post-3-Day Weekend Market Turbulence? Check Economic Indicators Now

■ Hamas Conflict and GAFAM+T 3Q Earnings The Israel-Hamas conflict is expected to cause a surge in oil prices and market...

Will There Be Another Rate Hike This Year? U.S. Employment Data Show Increase in Jobs!

■ Employment Statistics Results Better-than-expected employment statistics in the United States have raised expectations...

Dollar/Yen Surges Beyond 150 Yen Mark! Will Japan’s Currency Intervention Efforts Fall Short?

In the New York foreign exchange market on the 3rd, there was significant turmoil in the yen exchange rate. The dollar/y...